
Doc Scrubber 1.2

http://lh4.ggpht.com/-A4P38KatGwM/TxqE8porNUI/AAAAAAAADCU/9D3v2DKYUgI/Doc-Scrubber---Clean-Microsoft-Offic.png?imgmax=800Doc Scrubber can remove much of this metadata from Word documents, and can also produce an analysis of any Word document to show what metadata it contains. The program allows you to see that information, and scrub it from files before sending them to others.

Microsoft Word (.DOC) files can contain more than just text you see while editing them. Depending on the settings or features you use, they may contain all kinds of additional information that you may not want shared outside your home or company.

Word Documents can contain all sorts of extra data, commonly referred to as "metadata". This data can include: hidden revision logs, a unique identifying GUID
comments, keywords, subjects and other properties, recent hyperlinks, last saved date, last edited by information, last printed date, revision count and total editing time.

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